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Tom and I took our collaboration further on from the earlier master plan effort, undertaken as the collective practice, TTHE workshop

The adjacency of the two sites and the compatibility of the

projects' programme, and overarching aims has given us the impetus to design our projects in tandem as part of the master plan. 

existing typologies

prior to our intervention, both sites had historical links to the old industries in Stretford. However, over time, Tom's site became a green infill site and mine became a collection of warehouses and construction stores. The proposal connects the two spaces and helps connect the natural and the man-made.

The two sites respond to the ecology of the site differently, however, they both aim to cultivate the existing greenery and incorporate this into their programme.

Throughout the design process, the adjacency of the two projects played a key role in the design. Through this, a visual link is established alongside the physical one, and we had to design with the impact on each other's proposals in mind.

Taking this link further, we adapted our programme to improve access to facilities as a whole. The choice to omit woodworking facilities in my scheme was made as a result of Tom's focus on woodworking. We've began considering how the workshops would be run across both facilities and how this link would then influence use of both proposals a whole. 

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