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in retrospect

A brief consolidation/comparison of design iteration outcomes vs project drivers

With reference to the core drivers outlined early on, I am considering how the outcome of the iterative process undertaken during the big draw has begun to address issues. 

- I considered access to building and bike parking. Therefore addressing infrastructure but not culture.

- further consideration into integration of cycling needs to go into programme

1 - Bridging the gap between cycling infrastructure and cycling culture 

2 - Providing a focal point for local activity and connecting existing community assets

- haven't considered this successfully yet

- most difficult to do, but could be considered programmatically in tandem with the spatial arrangement.

3 - Creating a space for the exchange of skills, knowledge and information for the community

- perhaps the driver that has had the biggest influence on not only programme but design

- workshops and research centre, but further integration of this idea into programme could lead to greater efficacy 

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