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By establishing the Greater Manchester Cycling Initiative, the narrative and the wider context for both the master plan and my own scheme grounds my ideas and guides my design decisions. In turn, they also become the acting client for this project.



The GMCI is a collaboration between the Manchester City Council the higher education institutes in the city

“We believe that a focus on cycling and alternative means of transport is a key response to the rapid growth of the number of vehicles on the roads and the negative environmental, social and economic impact that they can have communities and cities.”


- GMCI manifesto


The initiative is a pilot scheme and aims to set a precedent for a different way of thinking about planning transport links and public realm in cities, especially those experiencing rapid economic and population growth. This initiative will aim to help make the transition easier for the people of Stretford as the master plan progresses through its different stages.


spaces open

to public

rehabilitation programmes start

monthly consultations update residents on works and research progress

bike road safety

workshops begin





office and

research hub


cafe and leisure spaces open

GMCI publish initial findings report

collaboration opens to other councils and research organisations

The strategies that are at the heart of the operation of the GMCI are focused on the provision of -

Through free and accessible public workshops and seminars aiming to demystify and democratise “guarded” information.

Utilising cycling as a way of helping those marginalised and excluded by and from society to find their way back in.


Ensuring that there is sufficient funding and capital into the local community to ensure that the Is translated into useful and sustainable growth.




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